The Uber Frugal Month

Those of you who read the Frugalwoods as religiously as I do know that Mrs. Frugalwoods is running a Uber Frugal Month Challenge this January. The idea is that you are as frugal as possible for an entire month in order to save money, change your spending patterns,  and to create lasting change in the way you approach your money. I know that I am already more frugal than a lot of people I know, but I want to increase that. I want to take this opportunity to drill down into my finances a bit more and see where I can improve. I have been wanting to make more improvements for a while now, but haven’t had a huge amount of motivation around it. This challenge seemed like the perfect opportunity to motivate myself and make lasting changes.

What appeals to me about frugality is that is has helped me to simplify and vastly improve my life. Taking a more frugal approach forces me to change bad habits and focus on what I really want from my money and my life. Doing this has meant I have a richer, fuller life, not a deprived one. As Mrs. Frugalwoods said in today’s post about the challenge:

Frugality mutes the noise of unnecessary consumerism and grants you the freedom to build the life you want–instead of the life you feel you have to live.

As I head into a year full of big life changes and huge uncertainty, I am excited to take this month to dive deeper into my frugality and see where it can take me. Since I find writing about these things to be hugely motivating, I will be blogging about it here. I hope you follow along.If you want to sign up for the challenge yourself, you can do so here.

Wishing you all a happy and frugal New Year!


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